Blogging Class #1

Hi everyone! 

In this class we will be setting up our blogs! 

Please log onto and choose a theme and title.  When you get home you can change the color and/or font of your title or your theme.....we just won't have a ton of time today! 

After you set up your blog, choose "New Post". The words are in an orange box at the top left of your page. 

Start writing your first post. In this post, introduce yourself to your audience and explain why you chose the blog topic you did! 

If we have time we will try to include a picture. Also feel free to try this at home, just make sure to include and link the picture if it's not one that is originally yours! If you don't the world of professional bloggers and social media influencers will consider it stealing! 

Why do you think people from this group would be "up in arms" about using their pictures without link-backs? 
On the other hand, why would they like you to use their picture if you used a link-back? (typically)

Why should you be careful about using certain colors and fonts in your blog text? 

